Interim Chief Information Security Officer
Our Process
The interim CISO role almost always begins with two key components:
- The development of management-level objectives for information security
- A detailed risk assessment to determine where gaps exist
Over the last 20 years, we have performed this service widely across Fortune 1000 companies in an array of industries. While our management objectives vary greatly depending on client needs, there are several threads that run consistently across our engagements.

First, the Security Program must exist to complement the needs of the business, not impede it. Second, efforts to hand off the security program to a qualified successor start at the beginning of our engagement with quality documentation that can be shared with ease. Third, with today’s Infosec landscape, all major technology platforms come with of documented best practices and tools. We seek to use those security resources before investing in new ones. Finally, we seek to build a culture of cooperation and accountability among IT staff and users since we believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting the organization.