
Accord is a boutique consultancy fielding a team of highly experienced cyber security professionals focused on bringing quality infosec management and incident response solutions to select brands and enterprises.
With the belief that great companies gain success through differentiation, we build security solutions one customer at a time. Our approach stresses first understanding how our customer’s systems work before trying to build security controls to protect them.
At the same time, we recognize that mainstream security solutions need to bring value in excess of their cost. Accord focuses first on leveraging the “infosec plumbing” that is available in commonly used cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure. We also leverage a variety of security tools available in the Open Source domain.
All of this is to fulfill our mission of bringing quality protection to our customers’ critically important information technology systems at a price point and level of simplicity that offers an appropriate ROI.
Why Accord?
In the past, cyber security was a domain of academics who operated in controlled data center environments with the goal of protecting banks and governments.
This was a highly customized service offering, which stressed direct vulnerability research, complex systems integration, and expensive security tools.
Today, cyber security has become a mainstream business issue for organizations of every size.
In a world where ransomware, denial of service attacks, and social engineering are rampant, organizations simply need critical business systems to operate properly with minimal overhead associated with IT governance.
Sounds simple….unfortunately, it is not.

While enterprise infosec desires may be simple, the terrain has become vastly more complex. On-premise IT systems are now commonly augmented by a number of application service providers and private cloud hosting systems.
Workloads and data commonly move back and forth across these systems, which are always running and always connected. Every business needs to understand that cyber security is now a permanent part of their increasingly complex operating terrain.
At the same time, cyber security professionals need to understand that these companies need their critical IT systems to operate properly—24 hours per day—without disruption, data loss, or data leakage. Pushing for flawless security solutions, could prove so restrictive that they kill the very organization they trying to protect.
In short, these two factions which are often at odds need to reach an ACCORD. We created our company, Accord Security, to resolve this conflict by building security programs and controls that provide solid protection and incident response without unnecessary cost or complexity.